Monday, April 5, 2010

Curriculum Idea: Visual Web Searching with Google's Wonder Wheel

So, I know I've told many people how much I love Google.  I've been using Google Docs for a couple of years, and have had the Google toolbar in IE since it was available.  But today, after reviewing some information I received at this spring's SCETV edu conference, I came across Google's Wonder Wheel.  Now, Google has always done a great job of organizing information for consumers, but the Wonder Wheel organizes the sites, images, videos, etc. into an interactive mind map of keyword topics.  See video below:

To view the video via YouTube so that the whole screen is visible, click in the middle of the video above.

Wasn't that easy!  I can't believe I hadn't found this before.  Now for a classroom connection:

Research: Searching the web can be very frustrating for kids, especially young learners, who can get frustrated with the amount of text you find on a web page.  Surfing the web doesn't have to be that frustrating if they concentrate on the main idea, topic, or keywords.  That's what the Google Wonder Wheel does.  It searches and connects realted content based on keywords or tags assigned to a website.  Your visual learner and students who get easily distracted by all the "internet glitz" can narrow down their search easily by using the interactive wheel to find the specific content they need!

Stretching a Topic: Sometimes kids need a jump start on a topic for a project or paper.  Tell them to use this tool to find other topics about a subject that can help to "stretch" what they are researching.  For instance, in a search I did about ruby throated hummingbirds, the Wonder Wheel suggested I also look at bee hummingbirds. I had forgotten about this species of hummingbird, but I know my kids will just love comparing how small the bee hummingbird is even when compared to our little ruby throat.

So... if you are planning to take your class into the lab for any kind of web based research, be sure to show them the Wonder Wheel Video first.  You never know what you will find!

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