Thursday, May 13, 2010

iTunes U – Moments in American History

Moments in American History iTunes U is a great place to find quick and free podcasts and vodcasts to use with your students.  One such series that I really like is called Moments in American History.  Author, Tom Christian, has put together 2 minute or less vodcasts concerning all aspects of American history from 1750-2005.  Just a few of the topics include the Age of Enlightenment, Westward Movement-Texas Revolt, Horses and the Native American, and Framers of the Constitution.  The images are vivid and paint a visual story as the video progresses, and many pictures are primary source images, paintings, or photographs.  Students of all ages will enjoy these tiny bites of the American Story.

Now for Classroom Connections:

Bell Work: Use these quick videos as review from the day before.  The end of each video includes a quiz question that hits an important point in the video.  Introduce this question before viewing the video, and have them list information they remember/know.  Then show the quick video, and have make changes to their answers and/or add additional facts.

Research Starter:  Use this video in conjunction with a KWL chart or an I wonder chart concerning the topic.  For instance, show the “Horses and the Native American” vodcast first.  Then allow students to write 2-3 “I wonder if…” statements concerning the content of the video.  Use these questions as stepping stones for quick research/writing activities.

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