Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Cool Tools/Curriculum Ideas: Introducing Google Squared
Now for classroom connections:
Student Research - If students are comparing two ideas or topics, this will give them a chance to easily see the information in one place. For instance, if your students are researching Native American Tribes , you may want them to compare and contrast the food, housing, or clothing of these tribes. Students often spend copious amounts of time trying to locate the information on various websites. Why not streamline the process using Google Squared. You may say, "How do they document where they get the information?" Well, each square is hyperlinked to the orginal web page from which the information came. Also a shorted URL is provided in each box so that you can see where the page originated.
Monday, May 17, 2010
iPad n Classroom/Curriculum Idea – Art HD
Now for Classroom Connection:
Getting kids to experience art can be hard, so it is crucial that you structure their viewing experience in a way that ensures they view each picture in a meaningful way. Consider using art prints as writing prompts in an English or history class. For instance, when studying the rise of the Nazi Party as part of World History or European Studies, many teachers glance over the Nazi raids in Northern Spain. However, it was in Northern Spain that the Nazis perfected their Blitzkrieg strategy. Picasso’s Guernica gives students an alternate view of the devastation of the Blitzkrieg strategy – one that can not be duplicated by even a photo. Using the iPad allows students to view easily the way that Picasso used the cubist style to depict human emotion in war time.
Image above from:
Thursday, May 13, 2010
iPad n Classroom 1 – iTunes U
iTunes U Downloads– This might be Apple’s greatest gift to education so far. You may have read about this or even explored it, but there is something magical about FREE! This week’s Oz Buzz curriculum focus was about one such podcast found in iTunes U - Moments in American History. Students and even adults can be overwhelmed by too much talking, too many images, and too many ideas presented at once. Short and quick is the name of the game for many resources in iTunes, and Moments in American History sticks to this rule. Check out more at: .
iTunes U – Moments in American History
iTunes U is a great place to find quick and free podcasts and vodcasts to use with your students. One such series that I really like is called Moments in American History. Author, Tom Christian, has put together 2 minute or less vodcasts concerning all aspects of American history from 1750-2005. Just a few of the topics include the Age of Enlightenment, Westward Movement-Texas Revolt, Horses and the Native American, and Framers of the Constitution. The images are vivid and paint a visual story as the video progresses, and many pictures are primary source images, paintings, or photographs. Students of all ages will enjoy these tiny bites of the American Story.
Now for Classroom Connections:
Bell Work: Use these quick videos as review from the day before. The end of each video includes a quiz question that hits an important point in the video. Introduce this question before viewing the video, and have them list information they remember/know. Then show the quick video, and have make changes to their answers and/or add additional facts.
Research Starter: Use this video in conjunction with a KWL chart or an I wonder chart concerning the topic. For instance, show the “Horses and the Native American” vodcast first. Then allow students to write 2-3 “I wonder if…” statements concerning the content of the video. Use these questions as stepping stones for quick research/writing activities.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Curriculum Idea: Nature Series from PBS
To see the full episode, go to the following website:
Other episodes can be found here with the same full length episodes and behind the scenes shorts:
Now for Classroom Connections:
Science and Hummingbirds– Use these videos to give students a chance to truly study the adaptations and interactions of hummingbirds at a slower pace. While it is invaluable for students to do real field work in real time, this video will help them to practice identifying special characteristics like how hummingbirds eat from flowers, catch bugs, flap their wings in a figure eight, fight with one another, etc. From experience with my Operation Ruby Throat Lessons, I know that students will find this video amazing.
More Classroom Resources from PBS’ Nature- The creators of nature also have developed lessons using the videos and video shorts of other episodes of Nature. Be sure to check these out at the following site:
Image above from:
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Cool Tools/Curriculum Idea: Google's Toolbar's Translate Gadget

Now for classroom connections:
ESOL Students - If you have a popular/useful website you want to use with students, don't let a language barrier be in your way. This tool can "accurately" translate websites in over 20 languages. In the lab or on your classroom computers, set up the Translate Gadget, and train your English Speakers of Other Languages students to use this tool on pages where the English reading or sentence structure may be too challenging.
World Language Teachers/Students - Have you ever been stumped by vocabulary on a page, schedule, or authentic WL document? Use this tool to help you navigate through the harder vocabulary on a page. While we don't want kids to use the tool for word for word translation, you may find that some words need to be defined on a page to aid comprehension. If your translate button has been installed on your toolbar, and if you have set your language, you can mouse over words in documents, and it will give you all the possible English definitions for that word.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Curriculum Idea: Using Journey North to Inspire Kid Citizen Scientists
Here's what the website says about themselves:
Journey North engages students in a global study of wildlife migration and seasonal change. K-12 students share their own field observations with classmates across North America. They track the coming of spring through the migration patterns of monarch butterflies, robins, hummingbirds, whooping cranes, gray whales, bald eagles— and other birds and mammals; the budding of plants; changing sunlight; and other natural events. Find migration maps, pictures, standards-based lesson plans, activities and information to help students make local observations and fit them into a global context. Widely considered a best-practices model for education, Journey North is the nation's premiere "citizen science" project for children. The general public is welcome to participate.
Click here to link to the Hummingbird Resources.
Click here to link to the Journey North Home Page.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Cool Tools & Curriculum Idea:
Monday, April 5, 2010
Curriculum Idea: Visual Web Searching with Google's Wonder Wheel
To view the video via YouTube so that the whole screen is visible, click in the middle of the video above.
Research: Searching the web can be very frustrating for kids, especially young learners, who can get frustrated with the amount of text you find on a web page. Surfing the web doesn't have to be that frustrating if they concentrate on the main idea, topic, or keywords. That's what the Google Wonder Wheel does. It searches and connects realted content based on keywords or tags assigned to a website. Your visual learner and students who get easily distracted by all the "internet glitz" can narrow down their search easily by using the interactive wheel to find the specific content they need!
Edu Philosophy: When Ok is not Good Enough
Curriculum Idea : Graphing Real World Data with Elementary Students

You should implement Create a Graph into your science, math, and social studies curriculums. For a site tutorial, click here!